Thursday, May 24, 2007

Visiting my new "home"

On a wee bit of a downer today.
Partly due to nerves waiting for the CT results and partly due to the visit Veronica and I had through at the Glasgow SCT unit this afternoon. We got to have a look around where I would be staying for 4 to 6 weeks and I guess it finally hit home that this procedure is happening. I'm well aware that I can say "no" but it is not an option when you so want to live as much as I do. The doctor was really upbeat and positive and the care fairy we met was lovely so I have absolutely no problems with the level of care I'll recieve. Who knows, I could be one of the people that sail through the procedure with no major problems, but the thought of leaving Veronica and the girls for so long tears me apart inside... they'll change so much in that time... especially my little bear, Rebecca. God, I'll miss them.

But hey. What's 4 - 6 weeks when the procedure will give me years and years.
Oh, and thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and positive vibes. I really appreciate it.


Kelly Kane said...

Do you have to live in a bubble? I hope Veronica and the kids are allowed to come visit you - but if not, you could probably set up a webcam or something so you can see your kids on a daily basis :) You're a computer guy, just whip something together :) And if you get super bored, you can look forward to random comments from me, I'll even promise to leave them every day...I know how important entertainment can be :)

Keep your pecker up!

--jam said...

Hey Wullie! This is "jam" from the hodge forum. I just wanted to pop in and say a quick Hi. I'm heading out today for my big ride. I printed off the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and I'll have it on the bike with me. I'll pray it often on the ride for you. I'll even find a good local root beer and raise a toast to you when I'm done.

Prayers to you.


Anonymous said...

Yes Wullie positive vibes definately coming from our way, Kelly, the lovely bright and bubbly Kelly is shaking up America for you. I know Chris thinks about you, he refered to you as 'his mate in Scotland' which I was dead chuffed about and I think about you all the time, the same as I think about Kelly and Daz, I think about you when I see lovely things and Veronica the way she is....a friend we have never met! Lets go to Boston!!!