Friday, May 25, 2007

The preliminary scan results are in...

and they're gooooooood!
I called my haematology nurse today to see if I actually had an appointment to get my results on Monday as my onc is a bit forgetful. True to form he hadn't made me one but the nurse said there is no way the CT results will be back by then. I was advised to call in on Monday morning and if they did happen to be ready then I could come in to discuss them. On a whim she decided to check my records and the results were there. She wasn't going to volunteer what was in the report so I asked up front for a sneak preview.
"Well, bearing in mind the consultant hasn't looked at it yet I can tell you that it is good news and the mass in the chest has shrunk back. I can't give you sizes and figures as your full notes aren't here but it HAS SHRUNK BACK".

Woo Hoo!
(In case you don't understand the picture; I play the part of Paul McStay and the Huns play the part of the Hodge... beaten again!)

That's two bits of good news I've had in one day. I was in MACTU getting my weekly line clean and I was told there that I am infection clear and all my blood cultures taken on Wednesday were negative and all clear.
I can't take all this good news. It's unusual for us. It must be all the positive vibes and prayers coming from everywhere and everyone

In other news of the good variety we have now topped the £1000 / $2000 mark for the sponsored walk. How chuffed are we!


Kelly Kane said...

HOOOORAY for good news!!!!! I'm so excited for your sneak preview! I love cheating and finding out earlier :) You should celebrate tonight!!

Susie said...

You have friends in faraway places you didn't even know you had! Read about everything on the online support website, since I am going through treatment also. Anyway, even though I didn't post, I was sending prayers your way from Miami - and to your beautiful family. So glad to hear about your wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

That's really brilliant news!! So pleased for you all.

Kelly Kane said...

So you want to know what a duck tour is, eh?

It's a silly touristy tour that takes you all over Boston - even in the's an "amphibious landing vehicle"

I know you must be so excited to learn all about the silly duck tour, please try and contain yourself :)