Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Monday 2nd July

Days +4 - +6

'Giving Birth is a Doddle Compared to This'

Hi all - I have been given permission to post on Wullie's blog as he is in no state to do so himself. The pain he mentioned on his last post on Friday escalated pretty quickly - he held out as long as he could but on Sunday he went onto morphine. He's not on huge amounts, so no hallucinations or moments with which to tease him when he's better (more's the pity!!), just enough to make the pain tolerable. The pain of oral mucositis (which is what he's got) goes down, alongside the pain of childbirth, as one of the world's best kept secrets. Just as new mum's go, 'yeah, it was bad but I got through it' so do SCTers keep the yuckiness of this to themselves! We were well warned by the doctors, but until it is experienced personally, I don't think we ever believe it will be that bad!

Anyway, yes, he's in pain, but he's also doing fantastically. He's making the job of visiting him so easy as he isn't moaning or complaining (OK, so he might do if he could!) and puts up with my asking him really inane questions like 'How are you?' - well d'uh............! And judging by the grumpiness this evening - he's starting to feel a bit better...................(sorry - couldn't resist!)

On Saturday his neutrophils and White Blood Cells finally hit the big 0 - nadda, nothing left! Now we're just waiting for these numbers to start rising. He has so far had some red blood cells to boost his haemoglobin, magnesium and platelets to keep those aspects of his health on track. He's also got yet another line infection so is on antibiotics for the next few days.

It's been a rough few days, and there may be more rough days to come, but he'll get there. I can't tell you all how proud I am of him, which is just as well 'cos if I got all gushy he'd kill me. Let's just say I think he's amazing........................x

Hope this post goes some way to filling in the gap - he'll be back when he can (I know you're missing him Kelly, believe me when I say, he'd post if he could!).

Thanks to you all for your continued support...............hopefully the next post will be from the man himself.............................Vx


Anonymous said...

Wullie and Veronica,

Thinking of you both!
You are so strong, Wullie! I hoep you start feeling better, like YESTERDAY!
Love and hugs,

TOG aka Karen

Kelly Kane said...

Aww Veronica, how cute that Wullie let you post for him :) And thank you for the update, it's good to know how things are going - even if they're not going the best, it'll be over soon enough! Fingers crossed for the pain to go away soon!!


laulausmamma said...

Thanks for posting Veronica - I've been concerned not seeing Wullie posting. Glad he opted for the drugs...better than suffering. Give him big (((hugs))) and some sloppy kisses from us all. Hang in there - better days are coming !

Anonymous said...

Hang on in there, Wullie! We're all rooting for you! Hope the pain evaporates soon.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I hope it passes soon and that this unfortuate side effect heralds the start of a rapid recovery!! Hang in there, we are all thinking of you.

Pat, Kirsten and the boys.

Chris said...

Count the footprints! You will know when you can put your feet back on the ground, until then use all the help that is offered to you.
Thinking of you and your family everyday, KYPU.

Anonymous said...

Another one for the star chart!!!

Keep taking that morphine, take everything they offer!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.


What a beautiful suprise yesterday, thank you very very much! We are going to do a youtube.com for you for when we pop the cork on Saturday!!

Darrel Hale said...

Yeah...we forget to mention the hardest days are when your counts bottom out...If you look at my blog from that point of transplant you'll notice that I am absent for a few days. Not to fear though, as soon as your counts start to rise thing start to feel better. Keep up the good fight...


Duane said...

I came upon this blog only a few days ago. What a great site. Wishing Willie the best!

Thinking of you both.

R said...

Wullie, I hope you're feeling better by now. I've been checking your blog about a zillion times a day, hoping to hear that you're okay. I'm sending happy thoughts your way.

...and Veronica, you may think Wullie's amazing (I agree) but he's not the only one. Everyone knows that you're amazing too.

Rach x

Kelly Kane said...

Hi Wullie, it's me, checking in on you! Hopefully you're doing better today. I'm hoping those counts are rising now, if not today hopefully tomorrow :) Hey if I made you some cd's would you listen to them, or would that be another ADD thing for you? I'm trying to think of things to send you, and am very open to suggestions :)

Today was July 4th, so we went to the parade this afternoon, then it started getting cloudy and rainy. It looks like the weather is going to be so-so this week with off and on rain, fun times at the beach :) I'll keep taking fun pictures though so you can pretend you're on vaca too!

I hope you're feeling better soon! Oh and maybe you should start playing with tape on your head like I mentioned before :)

Chris said...

Just checking in to see how things are going. Hope the counts are on the way up and you are starting to feel a new man. All thinking of you and can't wait to hear from the man himself.
Thanks to you and Veronica for the bubbly, a great supprise and one that Vic and I will enjoy.
Keep your pecker up