Friday, May 11, 2007

Thankfully the depression lifted yesterday and the last two days have been pretty OK. I'm still completely whacked out and feel like I've been hit by a bus and, after blood tests today, I know why.
Veronica and I went to a new unit for us in Falkirk today. The P.I.T.U. Progressive Intensive Treatment Unit. A grand title for somewhere I was going to just get my weekly line care and bloodwork carried out!
When we finally found the place after 20mins searching we waiting another 90 minutes for the blood results.
Basically, I'm totally anemic. My haemoglobin level is 7.1 when it should be between 12.5 and 18.0. This is common on DHAP and fully explains why I look like a ghost and have zero energy... i have no red blood cells! Ironically, my white blood count wasn't too bad!

All this means another visit to the hospital in Stirling tomorrow for a blood transfusion. I'll be getting 2 units of blood and the procedure takes about 3 hours per unit. That's another day written off but at least my lard arse will be in a chair all day! It'll be another "first" for me as so far I've escaped the clutches of the vampires at the blood transfusion service.

These last couple of months have certainly been "interesting".

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